9 Proven Techniques for Overcoming Month-End Sales Pressure


Christmas is around the corner, and for most companies, work takes the back seat at this time of the year. The mood turns pleasant, happiness seems to be hanging in the air, everything looks red and white, and all the elderly look like Santa Claus but unfortunately nothing changes for the salespeople due to sales pressure. They still carry out routines like prospecting and closing. It becomes more difficult for salespeople since half of their prospects are on vacation and they have their monthly and for some companies, their yearly targets to achieve. Generally, every day in sales is critical and when it comes to month-end or year-end, it becomes even more intense and fiery. It is common to find sales professionals under severe month-end sales pressure to perform and achieve what is expected from them. Many succumb to this sales pressure and leave their job due to underperformance. Sales professionals have to learn to deal with sales pressure to stay strong. As per Vikas, the best way to deal with it is never to feel pressured and this can be done by practising the following measures.

month-end sales pressure

9 Proven Techniques for Overcoming Month-End Sales Pressure:

  1. Plan Monthly Action Plan Meticulously: Achievement of your sales targets depends on how well you plan and execute your monthly action plan. It breaks down monthly targets into several activities providing you with clear directions. It further helps you take corrective measures before it is too late. It also helps you prioritize things and manage your time well. If your plan fetches the desired outcome, you are more likely to achieve your target and this will never let you feel under month-end sales pressure. 
  2. Have Plan B: In the ever-changing, dynamic world, things will not always go as per your plan. Some sales efforts will fail which in turn drifts you away from target achievement. Subsequent failures will make it even more difficult to cover the backlog and this amounts to tremendous sales pressure towards the end of the month. The best way to deal with such setbacks is to plan backup activity for each activity that impacts your sales numbers. Back up plan will always keep you close to your targeted numbers and this will never let you feel pressured towards the end of the month.
  3. Assume 20 Days’ Month: Plan and act as if you have only 20 days to achieve your plan. Keep all important sales appointments and activities in the first twenty days. Always try and achieve your targets by the 20th of every month. This will give you an extra 10 days to act in case you are in deficit. Time management will be the key element here. Remember Roger Bannister Effect? He crushed the 4-minute mile mark and allowed runners to dream of the impossible. If one salesperson starts achieving the monthly target in 20 days, others will follow suit. 
  4. Cordial Relationship with Boss: Please remember that your boss is also a human being with the same set of emotions and feelings as you. The key to feeling happy and motivated at work is to have a cordial relationship with your boss. The feeling of trust should be established between you and your boss. This can happen by 1. Putting 100% effort by you 2. Being honest with your boss 3. Maintaining transparency in your work 4. Taking guidance from your boss whenever required. 5. Being consistent with target achievement 6. Being a team player 7. Taking additional responsibilities 8. Thinking out of the box 9. Proving yourself as an asset to a company. All these things will help you establish a strong relationship with your boss and you will never feel pressured again. Instead, you will treat sales pressure as positive pressure to perform even better. 
  5. Enjoy Your Job: If you enjoy what you do at work, you will never feel under pressure. You will face difficult situations with a positive framework of mind. It will also keep you self-motivated to excel at work and hence irrespective of the day in the calendar, you will never feel under pressure and quit. Remember the book “Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!” by Dr Robert Schuller. If you haven’t yet read it, I recommend it. 
  6. Have a Larger Picture in Mind: We all work keeping a larger picture in mind. Some may eye a promotion, Some may eye an incentive, and Others may have even bigger visions to achieve the best in life like giving the best education to your kids, buying expensive cars, or buying a house in a plush locality. This larger purpose in life will make you work like a machine and machines never feel pressured. 
  7. Have a Hobby to Rejuvenate: Engaging in hobbies can be an amazing way to deal with sales pressure by providing a healthy outlet for stress relief and relaxation. Hobbies offer a break from the demands of work, allowing you to recharge mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. Whether it is singing, listening to specific genres of music, playing a musical instrument, exercising, playing a favourite sport, or any other hobby, they can all help alleviate stress and boost creativity. Remember Harvey in “Suits” boxing or driving an expensive car? He resorts to hobbies to rejuvenate. Balance between work and hobbies can enhance your resilience, focus, and ability to handle sales pressure more effectively.
  8. Practice Yoga or Meditation: It is proven through various studies that practising different types of yoga can alleviate mental and physical strain caused by extreme sales pressure. Yoga and meditation improve focus which can help sales professionals handle high-pressure situations effectively. 
  9. Sharpen Your Saw: Sales is a dynamic field. Outdated skill sets can lead to underperformance and underperformance causes stress at the end of the month. Sales professionals who upgrade themselves with the latest industry trends, skills, tools, and technologies regularly will stay relevant in an ever-changing market. Enhanced skill sets can help beat the competition. It also ensures target achievement by doing all the necessary things the right way. Eventually, your best performance will never cause you month-end stress. 

sales pressure


In conclusion, dealing with month-end sales pressure in sales involves a combination of meticulous planning, physical & mental well-being, a sense of purpose, the right approach, and continuous improvement. By implementing these strategies and adopting a proactive mindset, sales professionals can not only navigate the demands of month-end but also thrive in this high-pressure work environment, achieving their targets while maintaining their well-being.

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