Inside Sales: Get It Right Or Get Left Behind

Gone are the days when closing a deal meant endless travel, handshakes, and the inevitable struggle to find a parking spot. Thanks to the world of inside sales. It is a modern approach to selling that lets you reach customers without ever having to step out of your office (or home, if you prefer working in pyjamas).

But what exactly is inside sales, and how do you get it right? Let’s break it down in simple terms and see how you can plan a killer inside sales strategy.

What is Inside Sales?

In a nutshell, inside sales is selling remotely. Instead of travelling to meet prospects, you connect with them through phone calls, emails, or virtual meetings. It is like dating apps, but for business. Swipe right, make a call, and try to make the magic happen! In Mumbai, where travelling from Lower Parel to Prabhadevi can take longer than a train journey from Mumbai to Pune, inside sales is a smart and efficient way to reach customers.


What If You Get It Right?

  • High Sales, Low Travel Costs: When you nail inside sales, your sales team can reach more prospects in less time, and without racking up travel expenses. Think about the savings on those “business trips” that mostly involve eating hotel buffets!
  • Better Work-Life Balance: Imagine not having to fight for parking every day! A good inside sales strategy allows your team to work efficiently from the office or home, leading to happier employees who don’t spend half their day stuck in traffic.
  • Scalability: Want to expand to new markets? With inside sales, you don’t need a salesperson on the ground everywhere. You can conquer different regions while sipping chai from your desk.

What If You Get It Wrong?

  • Missed Opportunities: If your sales team is not trained well, potential deals can slip away before you know it.
  • Unfocused Efforts: Imagine trying to sell an umbrella in the desert. Without a targeted approach, your efforts might be wasted on the wrong audience.
  • Low Conversion Rates: If you are not using the right techniques and tools, you will struggle to close deals. It is like throwing a party and no one showing up. Nobody wants that.

Planning a Better Inside Sales Strategy

Here is how you can craft an inside sales strategy that does not just sound good on paper, but actually brings in results.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

  • Before diving in, know who you are selling to. Segment your prospects based on factors like industry, company size, or pain points.
  • Example: If you are selling software for small businesses, targeting large corporations could be like trying to sell pani puri at a five-star hotel; a complete mismatch.

2. Leverage Technology

  • Use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Zoho or Salesforce to keep track of your leads, follow-ups, and conversations. Also, embrace automation tools for emails and scheduling, so you don’t waste time chasing unresponsive leads.
  • Example: Imagine having to manually remember which prospect you promised a callback. Many small companies do not invest in CRMs. Instead, they still use Microsoft Excel which creates multiple problems like poor follow-up, no latest lead feedback, duplication in lead assignments, conflict among the sales team, etc.

3. Train Your Sales Team

  • Equip your team with the right skills and knowledge. Conduct regular training sessions to help them understand the product, objection-handling techniques, and active listening.
  • Example: If a prospect says, “Not interested,” your salesperson should not just respond with, “Oh, okay, bye!” Instead, they could say, “I understand. Can I ask what concerns you have?” and turn the conversation around.

4. Use Data to Drive Decisions

  • Track metrics like call-to-conversion ratio, email open rates, and sales cycle length. Use these insights to identify areas for improvement.
  • Example: Let’s say your data shows that follow-up calls made between 2-4 PM have a higher success rate. That’s your golden window! Use it wisely.

5. Personalize Your Approach

  • Don’t use a one-size-fits-all script. Tailor your communication to the prospect’s needs, based on their company’s profile and previous interactions.
  • Example: If you are talking to a start-up founder, avoid jargon and focus on how your product can help them scale quickly. On the other hand, a well-established company might want to know more about the product’s long-term ROI.

6. Plan Regular Follow-Ups

  • Persistence is key. A single call or email rarely seals the deal. Follow up regularly but don’t be annoying.
  • Example: Think of it as making a new friend. You don’t call them every day asking for a favor, but you check in now and then to see how they are doing. That is how you build rapport in sales.

Freshworks: The ideal example of Inside Sales Strategy

Freshworks is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company headquartered in Chennai. Freshworks started as a small company offering customer support software and grew rapidly into a global SaaS provider, thanks to a robust inside sales strategy.

How Freshworks Used Inside Sales:

  1. Targeting Global Markets from India: Freshworks began selling its software to small and medium-sized businesses across the world, using an inside sales model. By relying on phone calls, emails, and virtual demos, the company could sell to customers in North America, Europe, and Asia without having a physical presence in these markets. This strategy helped them scale globally without incurring high travel costs.
  2. Leveraging Technology for Sales Automation: They used CRM tools and sales automation platforms to streamline the sales process. The sales team was able to track leads, follow up systematically, and monitor the progress of each deal. This allowed Freshworks to maintain a high volume of sales activities while keeping things efficient and organized.
  3. Data-Driven Approach: The sales team analyzed data to understand the best times to reach out to prospects, the types of businesses most likely to convert, and the most effective communication strategies. For instance, they identified that businesses looking for affordable customer support solutions were a key target segment and focused their efforts there.
  4. Personalized Sales Efforts: Freshworks did not use a generic approach; they tailored their sales pitches to the specific needs of different prospects. For example, a company looking for basic customer support software would receive a different pitch than one searching for a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  5. Regular Training for Sales Teams: Inside sales reps at Freshworks received ongoing training on the product and effective sales techniques, which improved their ability to handle objections and close deals remotely.


Freshworks scaled rapidly and became one of India’s first SaaS companies to achieve unicorn status (valued at over $1 billion). Inside sales played a significant role in reaching international customers and expanding the company’s market share, without the need for an extensive field sales force.

This example illustrates how an inside sales strategy can effectively enable companies to grow, even in a challenging market like India.

Conclusion: Get Inside, Stay Inside!

Inside sales is not just a trend; it is the way forward, where face-to-face meetings are not always practical. By understanding your audience, leveraging technology, and personalizing your approach, you can turn inside sales into a game-changer for your business.

So, get your strategy right, or you will find yourself outside – quite literally – stuck in traffic!

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